Accelerate Segmentation with Comprehensive Visibility

In a zero perimeter world, complexity leads to blind spots that increase your cyber risk. Start your Segmentation journey with visibility into your digital estate.

zero trust security solutions

The blind spot in Zero Trust

A Zero Trust architecture assumes attackers are always present, and trusted relationships must be explicitly declared and lifecycled for every enterprise resource. The approach is to never trust, always verify.

Poor visibility inside the enterprise perimeter can trip up your Zero Trust policy enforcement. Without a complete view of the relationships between applications, users, devices, machines, and workloads, the result would be incomplete protection and security gaps.

Moving from a vertical and siloed perspective to an application-centric view across multiple applications and services is essential and helps overcome security visibility challenges, which is the foundation to create an effective Zero Trust Architecture.

zero trust network solutions

Orchestrated segmentation: a foundational step for Zero Trust

To adopt Zero Trust, enterprises should leverage a key enabling approach—microsegmentation–so that the correct security policies can be applied to the correct workloads and services. By placing security controls next to the workloads themselves, security policies become asset-specific. As a result, workloads at different security levels can now share a common security framework for greater protection and agility.

Analysts recommend enterprises begin Zero Trust implementation projects with segmentation: isolating workload-to-workload and application-to-application communications based on Zero Trust security policies. This requires enterprise-wide visibility first to succeed.
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zero trust security solutions

Get Zero Trust right from the start

Your journey begins with understanding and visualizing your enterprise environment, because you can’t protect what you can’t see. With vArmour, you can map the constantly changing relationships and dependencies between applications, data, devices and users. With this baseline, you can determine the policies, and enforce them across networks, infrastructures, and clouds within the Zero Trust framework.

With no new agents to deploy, you are running fast with full coverage across your hybrid cloud. Compute intent-based Zero Trust policies and orchestrate to your existing enforcement platforms to accelerate protection and reduce your risk.
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vArmour Business Value


Reduce cyber risk

Establish micro-perimeters to isolate applications faster from lateral movements


Secure cloud applications

Implement consistent policies across multi-cloud to accelerate adoption with confidence


Empower app teams

Ensure developers integrate security controls into DevOps processes without delays


Automate compliance and audits

Prove policy controls efficacy at lower cost with real-time and historical views

Zero Trust Target Architecture – Key Requirements

Ensure you create a target architecture that meets Zero Trust principles.


Continuous, consistent, and centralized visibility


Consistent taxonomy for assets and relationships


Distributed, horizontally-scaling architecture


Leverage existing deployed technologies


Avoid policy duality and conflicts


Continuous policy assurance

Get details on the five steps in a Zero Trust journey

    1. Discovery
    2. Visibility and Insights
    3. Dependency Mapping
    4. Continuous Assurance
    5. Policy Enforcement

    Quickly discover and visualize applications and their relationships across an entire IT estate in near real-time.

    vArmour Application Dependency & Relationship Mapping Solution Brief

    Gain unprecedented visibility and insights into all their applications across every environment.

    Application Relationship Management (ARM): An Overview

    Visualize and control user relationships from the application-out.

    Application Access & Identity Data Sheet

    Accelerate your Zero Trust journey with vArmour application visibility and security solutions.

    Five Reasons Why Zero Trust Projects (That Failed Before) Will Succeed Today

    Orchestrate Zero Trust policies to native enforcement platforms via APIs.

    vArmour Orchestrated Segmentation Solution Brief


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    Accelerate Your Zero Trust Journey: Gain Enterprise-Wide Visibility in Days
    Solution Brief

    Accelerate Your Zero Trust Journey: Gain Enterprise-Wide Visibility in Days

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    Five Reasons Why Zero Trust Projects (That Failed Before) Will Succeed Today

    Five Reasons Why Zero Trust Projects (That Failed Before) Will Succeed Today

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    Zero Trust at Work in European Bank Case Study
    Case Study

    Zero Trust at Work in European Bank Case Study

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    An Executive Guide: Start Your Zero Trust Journey with Observability

    An Executive Guide: Start Your Zero Trust Journey with Observability

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    Better Together: An Out-of-the-Box Practical Approach to Zero Trust with Tanium and vArmour

    Better Together: An Out-of-the-Box Practical Approach to Zero Trust with Tanium and vArmour

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    Global Retailer Accelerates Business Unit Separation While Managing Compliance, Risk and Cost
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    Global Retailer Accelerates Business Unit Separation While Managing Compliance, Risk and Cost

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    Let’s Solve Your Challenges, Together.

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    Thank you! We’ll be in touch shortly.


    Timothy Eades

    Chief Executive Officer