What is DORA?

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), is a European Union (EU) regulation that aims to strengthen the digital and IT security of EU financial institutions to ensure Europe’s financial sector remains resilient to operational risks and disruptions.

Launched in January 2023, and coming into full force in January 2025, DORA provides a comprehensive and unified set of information and communication technology (ICT) risk management standards that all EU financial institutions must follow.

Who Must Comply with DORA?

All financial institutions in the EU must comply with DORA — including banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and other financial entities. DORA also applies to various third-party service providers that financial institutions utilize for ICT systems and services (such as data centers).

What is the Timeline of DORA?

DORA is being rolled out according to the following key dates:


The Burden of Manual Compliance Processes

While some organizations may have operational or cyber resilience processes in place to address DORA compliance, they are often manual in approach, quickly outdated, and siloed across teams — which frequently leads to higher operational costs, lower accuracy and effectiveness, and greater risks of human error.

  • Expensive Labor: Requires large amounts of manual labor, time, and costs — either in the form of internal resources, or external consultants.
  • Greater Risk of Human Error: Increases risk of human error due to oversight, loss of tribal knowledge or miscommunication across business units
  • Outdated Inventories and Risk Assessments: Periodic identification, mapping and risk assessment exercises result in outdated information used to manage operational change, recover from incidents and respond to emerging risk conditions.
  • Increased Financial Exposure: The risk of failing compliance audits or being unprepared for an incident results in extremely expensive penalty fines, as well as reputational damage

How vArmour Streamlines DORA Compliance

Automated Dependency Mapping for DORA Compliance

The vArmour Relationship Cloud gives DORA-impacted entities and their risk teams the ongoing monitoring and analytics tools to continually achieve DORA compliance.

Unlike traditional approaches that require teams to manually compile fragmented data, Relationship Cloud automatically collects and unifies that data into a visual map that enables teams to easily see the relationships and dependencies between their digital assets. As a result, teams can achieve continuous and accurate observability in order to identify risks as they happen, where they happen.

DORA Requirements and How vArmour Helps

    1. DORA Article 8: Identification
    2. DORA Article 9:
      Protection & Prevention
    3. DORA Article 10 & 11: Detection, Response, & Recovery

    vArmour addresses DORA requirements 8.1 through 8.6

    DORA Requirements

  1. Identify on a continuous basis all sources of ICT risk
  2. Map the configuration of critical information and ICT assets, including the links and interdependencies between the assets

  3. How vArmour Helps

  4. Identifies all ICT assets as they occur within your environment
  5. Maps your ICT assets and infrastructure to the business functions they provide
  6. vArmour addresses DORA requirements 9.1, 9.4 (c), and 9.4 (e)

    DORA Requirements

  7. Continuously monitor and control the security and functioning of ICT systems and tools
  8. Implement policies limiting access to information and ICT assets to what is required
  9. Implement policies, procedures, and controls for ICT change management that are based on a risk assessment approach

  10. How vArmour Helps

  11. Monitors and alerts when applications become non-conformant through new non-declared communications and dependencies, and through new nondeclared access
  12. Helps with change management planning by showing all relationships and dependencies between ICT assets
  13. vArmour addresses DORA requirements 10.1 and 11.5

    DORA Requirements

  14. Promptly detect anomalous activities such as ICT-related incidents and identify potential single points of failure
  15. Conduct a business impact analysis (BIA) of exposures to severe business disruptions

  16. How vArmour Helps

  17. Constant monitoring provides alerts when applications drift out of non-conformance
  18. The Relationship Cloud’s mapping makes it easy to detect potential single points of failure and enables the immediate detection of asset mismatches as required for BIA processes
  19. vArmour Benefits


    Automatic & Continuous Asset Inventory

    Auto-discover assets to easily map infrastructure to the important business services that they provide


    Monitor Application Behavior in Real-Time

    Gain observed reality of applications, workloads, dependencies, and relationships all in an intuitive interface


    Immediate Visibility & Insights

    Quickly determine key application dependencies and relationships to identify where anomalies and deviations occur


    DORA Readiness Solution Brief
    Solution Brief

    DORA Readiness Solution Brief

    Watch Now
    Preparing for DORA: Automating ICT Risk Management for Operational Resilience

    Preparing for DORA: Automating ICT Risk Management for Operational Resilience

    Watch Now
    DORA Readiness Checklist
    Data Sheet

    DORA Readiness Checklist

    View Now
    Get Ahead of New Operational Resilience Compliance Requirements: DORA and FFIEC BCM

    Get Ahead of New Operational Resilience Compliance Requirements: DORA and FFIEC BCM

    View Now
    Download Now
    Accelerate DORA Compliance with Automated Dependency Mapping
    Solution Brief

    Accelerate DORA Compliance with Automated Dependency Mapping

    Download Now

    Let’s Solve Your Challenges, Together.

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    T : 650.564.5100
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    270 3RD ST.
    LOS ALTOS, CA 94022


    GU34 1HG

    Thank you! We’ll be in touch shortly.


    Timothy Eades

    Chief Executive Officer