Protecting Operational Resilience in an Era of Unpredictable Disasters

An electrical storm - with lightening - over a city center.

Protecting operational resilience is challenging in a world where natural disasters and technology failures are becoming the norm. Businesses are figuring out how to survive and thrive in the face of adversity. A recent article in the Harvard Business Review highlighted the growing challenge and underscored the importance of being prepared.

The rising tide of natural and man-made disasters.

The data is nothing short of alarming. Between 2021 and 2022:

While predicting the exact time and place of these incidents is next to impossible, businesses can be armed with the right tools to face them head-on.

Here’s how vArmour can help with disaster planning.

vArmour equips organizations with a dynamic visualization of their IT environment. This automated process discloses application dependencies, offering a comprehensive view managed by the vArmour Digital Risk Engine.

The result? An attestable, audit-proof representation of your business’s digital map – a source you can count on should you experience a catastrophic event.

Consider how vArmour works. We deliver:

  • Data Aggregation: Information from business functions  are transmitted using existing telemetry to the vArmour Relationship Cloud. This includes data from users, applications, devices, and infrastructure.
  • Digital Mapping: A detailed enterprise map is created and relayed to the vArmour Digital Risk Engine.
  • Immediate Insights: invaluable analysis that boosts both operational and cyber resilience.

Diagram of how data is transferred to vArmour for mapping and analysis

Once vArmour is deployed, businesses can:

  • Evaluate risks associated with changes and recover to a “known good” state.
  • Detect unknown and unmanaged systems.
  • Identify and promptly address latent cybersecurity threats.
  • Streamline zero-trust initiatives and cloud migration projects.
  • Maintain compliance, ensuring regulatory requirements are met.

We live in uncertain times and protecting operational resilience is tough. However, with the right tools and preparation, businesses can withstand and emerge stronger from challenges. By leveraging vArmour as another way to prepare for the unknown, companies can begin future-proofing the enterprise IT estate for tomorrow’s unforeseeable challenges.

Don’t just take our word for it, schedule a demo. It’s absolutely worth your time.


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Timothy Eades

Chief Executive Officer